History of e-mail and Internet

History of E-mail and Internet

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Even Today if you are sending an e-mail to any part of the world with the help of Internet in seconds, You would be shocked to know that the first e-mail was sent without the Internet.

The world's first e-mail was sent between to two computer system and it did amazing. It was done by Raymond Tomlinson.

Raymond Tomlinson, a resident of Cambridge, American, by profession a scientist. He had been working on the instant messaging of two electronic devices for many years. In 1969, he succeeded in
sending messages between two computers in his office for the first time.
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Raymond sent the first e-mail message through ARPANET(Advanced research project agency area network). In this case, the world's first e-mail was sent through a computer network and not through the Internet. ARPANET has been considered as the ancestor of the Internet.

The Birth of modern Internet in 1983

After the ARPANET , the Internet was started in 1973, the modern internet was introduced on 1st January 1983, and ARPANET accepted the Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) and internet protocol i.e TCP and IP.

After this, internet started to be used in Europe and Australia. In 1990 Sir team Burns lee gave birth to the world wide web. Attachmwnt to e-mail began for the first time in 1992 and an e-mail was sent with a photo for the first time.

Internet was used in India in 1995

The Credit for bringing the internet to India goes to Videsh Sanchar Nigam Limited(VSNL). The Internet was used for the first time on 15 August 1995. A common use of the internet started in the country from Kolkata and later all over the country.

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